Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Project 2a - the right one

Ha, ha! I finally figured out some of the stuff on Gimp, and thanks to Ann's post I discovered that I just have to save it as a JPEG file to successfully upload it here. I have to flatten it first, but then it will save as JPEG. Woot!
Stodgy is self explanatory - proper, square letters that are difficult to change and a little puffed up.
Crush was a different tack - I thought of a crush like a crush on a person, valenine's day, etc.
Ornate was a bit fancy, but more elegant and extreme in its decoration.
And sludge is just kind of grimy and sloppy with splatters around it and trailing off without neat ends.
The picture is for sludge, mostly because I don't have enough mastery over Gimp yet to do what I want with the others, and I didn't have time, due to my doing the wrong assignment, to work on something by hand. But I think it turned out okay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darillian,
    You got it! Whew! And so did I.
    I think I've worn out the Task Time line and pages 68, 69 trying to get this right.
    What took me forever was to figure out how to post my blog - since I have an old one in InDesign awhile ago. But I got it.
