Monday, April 6, 2009

Project 5c

This took me a bit longer than expected because I did a bit by hand and I had to work around their fickleness.

I know the assignment called for blocks of letters, but as soon as I read it, this image popped into my mind and I had to do it this way. I think it turned out well, except i wish I could have done better on the spice vial. My hand drawings are not what they used to be, and I couldn't seem to make GIMP do what I wanted, so I settled for this. The rest worked fairly well. I changed around the letters of "LIFE" to make it more interesting and have them fit into a woodsy, lifey theme. The butterfly and gecko are stickers I bought for my son for his schoolwork. I turned the "e" in hopes of implying a flower. The spice vial is an "as-is" thing, because I wanted that clear, but the handwritten label was reminiscent of old spice jars before people bought them at the store. I chose different typesets, colors, and case for the letters, rotated, and moved them to imply the sprinkling of the word 'variety" from the spice vial as if seasoning the "life" in the bowl. I think the "T" and "Y" colors may be a little too light, but I needed variety and felt that yellow and that other color worked at the time.

All in all, I'm fairly pleased with it, though I can see room for improvement. As always. :)

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