Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Project 5a: Contrast Studies

This first image I did as just a basic difference contrast. Some angled lines all going in one direction and then one going in the opposite direction draws your attention to the odd line out.

In this set I took my original premise and elaborated on it. I inverted the colors so the white lines stand out against a black background and then made the oppositely angled line red to make it stand out even more. I like the effect. I thought about making the others blue, but I thought this worked fine.

This was just something that popped in my mind as I read the directions for the assignment. This demonstrates the multiplication rule for positive and negative numbers. I expressed the contrast of posittive and negative with red and green. And I further elaborated by expressing the positive result of two negative by using a green minus in the middle of the cross, instead of making the plus sign all red as in the other "pure" positives. In retrospect, it may be even more efffective if I made that plus sign all green, to represent the two negatives making a positive.

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