Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shots - color rainbow of cookies

I took some time thinking about the color ranges and the spectrum on this assignment. We picked up girl scout cookies this week to deliver and I was inspired to use the boxes to make my own spectrum. The Girl Scouts color code each cookie to a specific box. The only addition to the natural rainbow spectrum is the aquamarine color on the Dulce de Leche cookies this year. I stacked them, took a picture of the narrower ends, and then cropped it so that only the ends were visible. This emphasized the color of the boxes without distraction of background and box size differences. I like the way the stack on the left here looks best - the darker colors at the bottom seem to make it sink into depths even though the boxes are even to each other in the stack. It also reminds me of a sunrise. The right stack is more like a sunset, with the darker colors pressing down on the lighter ones. I'm not sure if these impressions are wholly due to brightness, or partially from temperature (warm/cool) differences in the colors.

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