Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chapter 1

Finished going through chapter 1. It was very interesting. Much what an art class probably is about, I expect. I've never taken one so I don't know for sure but it has lots of artsy type speech in it.

Problem is, I am a sciency type. To paraphrase, "It was all Greek to me."

See, I like to draw, sketch, doodle, and generally dink around. As far as terminology in art, well, it doesn't really stick.

But i think I got some of the basics, even if the definitions aren't totally straightforward. I got the feel of them. Now to answer the questions.

I think I'll try the first project, too, at least. It looks fun. i don't have the specific materials they ask for, but I think I can get the gist of it going. If I can get it done tomorrow I'll post a scan of my efforts on here.

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