Saturday, January 31, 2009

Project 2a Troubles

I did the assignment. Thoroughly. I have been through EVERY font I have. Unfortunately this blog will not put those fonts on here. I tried uploading the document, but it wouldn't take the word document. Then I scanned and managed to save it as a .bmp image, which would actually upload, except the letters are too small to see in the image in the blog.
Anybody have any suggestions?


  1. Jocelyn,
    Did you try photographing it and uploading the photo? That worked for your other assignment.

  2. Here's another suggestion. Do you have photoshop? It has many of the same fonts as word 07. If you can type it in photoshop you can save it as a jpg and upload it as a picture. That's what I did. Hope this helps,

  3. Thanks for the suggestions. I don't have PhotoShop, but I gave Gimp. Except now I'm having troubles uploading those pictures too. They aren't of the type allowed for this website.

    I really hope I won't have to play with the camera all semester to get my homework on here...
