Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Orientation Quiz and answers

CIOS 108 Orientation Quiz

A. What is something that is going well in your life?
I am taking classes through DVR and they are getting me the technology to get around my blindness. I should be getting my own CCTV and an Amigo portable CCTV very soon.

B. What are your specific goals for this class?
I want to learn how to tweak and play with drawings and pictures, learn to use graphics software for designing and art and modifying photos if I choose. I would like to be able to apply this knowledge to website design and other uses.

C. What was your first experience with design, computers, and imaging technology?
I enjoy art and drawing, and have done it for many years on my own. I use a digital camera and have fixed redeye in pictures, cropped and resized them, etc. Other than basic drawing in the Office e Paint and Drawing features, I have not done a whole lot of technology based artwork or design. I did take some drafting classes several years ago, however.

D. Do you usually work on a Mac or a PC and why?
I use a PC because that is what I have.

E. What is your experience level with any of the other image editing programs available?
I have no experience with any image editing programs.

F. What is something you liked about your day today?
Teaching my younger children about fire safety.

G. How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?
I plan to use this knowledge in my future computer classes and in web site design for myself and others as I gain more experience. I also plan to teach my other children what I learn so they can try it out and play with the concepts and software themselves.

H. What would make this class go very well for you?
Communication and good explanation and step by step instructions for performing tasks, at least initially, so that I can see what works. Trial and error methods forcing me to try many unsuccessful techniques before finding the one that works is not a good method for my learning.

I. How do you plan to make this class go very well for you?
Work on projects and assignments as early as possible so that I do not have a time crunch and can accomplish goals with minimal pressure. Communicating any difficulties and getting help when needed.

J. What do you do for creativity on an on-going basis?
I like to draw and sketch, write, play music, and take pictures (mostly of my kids).

K. Who is Milton Glaser? Paul Bass?
No idea. Artists or designers, I think. I know there was a Saul Bass that designed logos and posters and such commercially.

L. Do you own or have access to a color image scanner?
Yes. I have an all-in-one color printer/scanner.

M. What software application will you be using for this course?
I have downloaded Gimp for this course. I cannot use the VPN client because there are issues with it and my Vista-based computer. I am considering downloading and installing the GimpShop software that makes it appear more like PhotoShop is set up, but since I have never used either, this doesn’t seem to me to make a huge difference.

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